Jay Reise – Chamber Music

Charles Abramovic (piano), Allison Herz (clarinet), Karen Bentley Pollick (violin), Michal Schmidt (cello), Fresh Ink Players, Cassatt Quartet, J. Karla Lemon

Catalog #: TROY1004
Release Date: March 1, 2008
Format: Digital

Jay Reise composes in all genres, and his teachers included musicians with a wide variety of stylistic approaches: George Crumb, jazz player Jimmy Guiffre, Carnatic (South Indian) violinist Adrian L'Armand, and Richard Wernick. As critic Peter Rabinowitz has written, "His work is firmly in the Western tradition. But because of the fresh perspectives offered by his study of Indian music, he has been able to rethink some specific problems facing contemporary Western art music..." Many disparate elements of classical musical technique are employed in the three works on this recording, including rhythms based on concepts freely derived from the study of Carnatic music and the juxtaposing of chromatically-treated modes (folk-derived and symmetrical) with quasi-functional tonal music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Across the Horizons Jay Reise Charles Abramovic, piano, Allison Herz, clarinet, Karen Bentley Pollick, violin, Michal Schmidt, cello
Open Night Jay Reise Fresh Ink Players
Memory Refrains Jay Reise Cassatt Quartet


  • "Jay Reise...writes music that is intensely engaging. It deploys traditional classical forms with assurance, yet possesses a spontaneous organicity that derives in part from the composer's interest in jazz and the rhythms of South Indian music."

    – Philadelphia Music Makers

  • "Reise has full command of the expressive freely tonal musical language of the late 205h and early 21st centuries that has been adopted to a greater or lesser degree by many of the major talents of our era...Reise retains a distinctive voice in this style."

    – Fanfare

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.