Felciano: Chamber Works

Richard Felciano (composer)

Catalog #: TROY0663
Release Date: June 1, 2004
Format: Digital

Richard Felciano's interest in musical acoustics led him through language, voice and organ studies to electronic and then computer, as well as to music for architectural and public spaces and music for non-Western instruments. Many of these works demonstrate a strongly ritualistic bent, reflective of the large Portuguese and Asian populations of his Northern California childhood. In the words of his colleague and fellow composer, Howard Hersh, "the vitality of invention and depth of artistic curiosity are clearly enormous, (yet) the major thrust of his contribution...lies in the power with which he has fused his innovative techniques to that timeless element of dramatic immediacy and his acutely-tuned sensibility to the sheer beauty of sound. There has never been any doubt that behind his music - whatever its external form - there stands a human - a humane - sensibility". The composer himself writes: "It has been said that artists spend much of their lives following a path which they somehow know is right but cannot yet clearly define. Scientists know a similar situation: Einstein spoke of 'something which is there but we don't know what it is.' In both instances, knowing that 'something' becomes compelling. In the notes about the works which are on this CD, my own search for that 'something' will become clear - a desire to approach composition through a deepening knowledge of 'what is there' in music - the physical nature of sound itself, so that, as in architecture, whatever structure is possible is defined by the nature of the materials. Picasso observed that the real problem in creativity is the materials, meaning that only through knowledge of them can anything at all be expressed. He was right."


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Lontano Richard Felciano Anne Adams, harp, Jane Galante, piano
String Quartet Richard Felciano Stony Brook Chamber Players
Masks Richard Felciano Janet Ketchum, flute, Mario Guarneri, trumpet
Dark Landscape Richard Felciano Julie Giacobassi, English horn
Shadows Richard Felciano Barbara Chaffe, flute, Peter Josheff, clarinet, Roy Malan, violin, Stephen Harrison, cello, Joan Nagano, piano, Mike McCurdy, percussion, Jean-Louis LeRoux, conductor
Primal Balance Richard Felciano Nancy Turetzky, flutes, Bertram Turetzky, doublebass
Prelude Richard Felciano Sarah Cahill, piano

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.