Allen Shawn: Piano Music, Vol. III

Curtis Macomber (violin), Maxine Neuman (cello), Allen Shawn (piano), Steven Klimowski (clarinet), Yoshiko Sato (piano), Music from Salem Quartet

Catalog #: TROY0683
Release Date: August 1, 2004
Format: Digital

Allen Shawn has composed a large catalog of chamber and piano music, 11 concertos and orchestral works, choral music, and several song cycles. He has composed incidental music for theater, two chamber operas to libretti by his brother, playwright Wallace Shawn, a one act children's chamber opera, music for ballet, and music for the film "My Dinner with Andre." He performs frequently as a pianist and has been a faculty member since 1985 at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont. He is also the author of the book, Arnold Schoenberg's Journey, as well as many articles about contemporary music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Cabaret Music Allen Shawn Steven Klimowski, clarinet, Curtis Macomber, violin, Maxine Neuman, cello, Allen Shawn, piano
Childhood Scenes Allen Shawn Yoshiko Sato, piano
String Quartet No. 4 Allen Shawn Salem Quartet
Candles Allen Shawn Steven Klimowski, clarinet
Episodes for Cello and Piano Allen Shawn Maxine Neuman, cello, Allen Shawn, piano


  • "The pieces are engaging and speak of a grounding in musical tradition while they hold the unique voice of the composer."

    – Sequenza 21

  • " effective and well-organized blend of lively and lyrical elements."

    – American Record Guide

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