The Consolations Of Scholarship

Janice Felty (mezzo-soprano), Xak Bjerken (piano), Judith Kellock (soprano), Ensemble X, Steven Stucky, Mark Scatterday

Catalog #: TROY0803
Release Date: January 1, 2006
Format: Digital

The Scottish-born Judith Weir began her career as an oboist and took composition lessons with John Tavener and Robin Holloway. Her music is performed in Europe and the United States. Her works reflect her diverse interests in narrative, folklore and theatre, with British folk music a strong influence. This release is an excellent sampling for those unfamiliar with her work: The Consolations of Scholarship is a highly-compressed opera, based on 14th century Chinese Yuan plays, where all the characters are played by one multi-voiced singer. The Piano Concerto, where the soloist is partnered by nine solo string players, emulates the scale of the early Mozart concerti; King Harald's Saga, is a "Grand Opera in Three Acts" for solo soprano voice, depicting the attempted invasion of England by Norway in 1066. Inspired by Emily Dickinson, Musicians Wrestle Everywhere is a one-movement concerto for ten instruments, reflecting the "street environment" of Weir's own urban neighborhood. You'll find Weir to be a highly original compositional voice.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Consolations of Scholarship Judith Weir Janice Felty, mezzo-soprano, Ensemble X, Steven Stucky, conductor
Piano Concerto Judith Weir Xak Bjerken, piano, Ensemble X, Mark Scatterday, conductor
King Harald's Saga Judith Weir Ensemble X, Mark Scatterday, conductor


  • "...Ms. Weir not only possesses a strikingly distinctive compositional voice, she has shown an arresting flair for drama..."

    – The New York Times

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